Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Christmas Cards

So I know this is early, but the fabulous Kristine brought it to my attention that the holidays are getting close. So I thought it would be fun to see if anyone wanted to exchange Christmas cards with me.
You see last year we received 1 Christmas card. Oh yes you read that right 1  Christmas card. It was a fabulous card and it was actually from my bloggy friend Nicole! So that means not a single friend or family member sent me a Christmas card. I do not want this to be a reoccurring trend! This year I have a perfect place picked out to display all the beautiful cards I plan on receiving.
So how about it? Anyone interested? I would love to send and receive Christmas cards from all of you! If you would like to get a Christmas card from me that you can display prominently(or throw in basket) please leave me a comment, and we can exchange addresses!!!!!


Joel and Jess Odell said...

I would love to send you a Christmas Card!

Jess @ The Odell Yodel

Tammy Jo said...

That would be super fun!!!

Jill said...

Sure, I'd like to send you a Christmas card!! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, as you already know I plan on sending you one and I fully expect you to send me one :)

Nicole said...

Speaking of that, I need your new address!

Kenzie Smith said...

I would love to send you a Christmas card! :D

Jenn @ Lost in the Right Direction said...

Sounds like a great idea! :)

Meggie said...

Hey! Thanks for your comments on my blog. =) Things are definitely improving with the new sleeping arrangements. Yay! We are super thankful. =)

Angie said...

I do, I do!!! I think you should somehow fix this so that everyone interested can exchange with each other :)