Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012 Year in Review July-September

Welcome back to our recap of 2012

July- We spent lots of time just hanging out as a family.

Hayes went swimming for the first time and developed a love for the water

August-  The middle of the month we went on a chilly trip to the beach. Oh yeah not what most people think of when they think beach. This is a typical PNW beach though,  big rocks and lots of seaweed. haha

Towards the end of the month we went camping in Eastern Washington with cousins




 September- Chris decided that he "needed" to rebuilt his truck and spent way too much time and money on his little project =) haha

The end of September Chris and I took a little mini vaca to Soap Lake.

So I realized while writing this post that I hadn't blogged about half of this stuff. Ooops

Check back next week to find out the stuff that we did in October through December that I never blogged about. haha

P.S. Blogger was not cooperating with me today. The pictures would not stay aligned and then I think I ended up deleting a couple of pictures. Good news is we finally got internet at home so hopefully I will actually be able to stay caught up with what we are up to!


Nicole said...

Looks like you guys had a fun and fabulous summer! I've never been to the PNW so this is a great way to see your beaches!

Emmy said...

Okay I need to know more info about that Soap Lake picture-how in the world are you both so dirty???

Glad Hayes likes the water! His smile is so cute. Looks like you had a lot of fun trips over the summer.

Awesome recap! Oh and don't forget we thought it would be fun to add 5 goals/hopes for the following year as part of the recap. That way when we recap the next year we can see if they came true.

Anonymous said...

love all the outdoorsy photos... so pretty!