Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We want to know Wednesday

Today I am linking up with Kenzie and Scriptor for we want to know Wednesday. I am pretty sure that know on is dying to know my answers to the questions, but here they are anyway. Sorry I am so boring!

{no. 1} What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Gin and Tonic with lime. I might kind of be on a little bit of a roll with those. That is my preferred way to unwind after the kids are in bed.
{no. 2} Do you actually keep your resolutions for the New Year? 
I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, but I did this year. I even typed them up and saved it so I can keep going back and making sure I am doing them. So far so good though.
{no. 3} If you had to do one random act of kindness today, what would it be?
Leave a large tip after eating.
{no. 4} Do you have a bucket list, 101 in 1001 list, or any other list? If you do, what are some of your goals?
I don't really have a bucket list. I have some things in my head that I would like to do though, buy a house, take the kids to Disney, be a SAHM, volunteer at school or in the community.
{no. 5} Why do you love blogging?
I love meeting new friends.  I have got some really good advice from all of you! Thanks.

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Jill said...

Way to go on typing out your New Year's resolutions and sticking to them so far! I find it's easier to meet goals when they're written out too, and I don't forget about them so easily :)

VandyJ said...

I blogged about my promises (instead of resolutions), and I go check on them every now and then just to see how I'm doing.

Nicole said...

I've never had a gin & tonic! and I never make resolutions :) I think I'm too lazy

Marci Smith said...

I feel like I know you better! :) My husband likes gin and tonic with lime too. They are pretty tastey!!

Anonymous said...

I've never had a Gin and Tonic!
I did the same thing with my resolutions - typed them up, and I printed them and put them on the wall next to my computer :D
Thank you so much for linking up!

Macey said...

I just read your bio and I LOVE the name Hayes!! :)

Scriptor said...

I used to HATE gin drinks but as of late, I find I like more and more of them. Thanks for linking up with us!

~she~ said...

I do enjoy leaving large tips for extraordinary service! Waiting tables is something I don't think I could ever do. I'd rather be in the kitchen!

(Stopping by from WWTK!)

doublehphoto said...

Just found your blog. Really enjoyed this!